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EAP Careers

Information on student entitlement

Ealing Alternative Provision (EAP) Service is committed to provide all students a Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme that are appropriate to their individual needs, interests, abilities and aspirations. The career learning outcomes for students are based on the CDI Framework for Careers, Employability and Enterprise Education (7-19) and can be found embedded in the Statement of Entitlement.​

EAP Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance

Student Entitlement Statement

All students in Key Stages 3 and 4 will be entitled to a Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme that;

  • Is centred on the student and their needs
  • Is integrated in to the students’ experience of the whole curriculum
  • Encourages all students to consider their career throughout Key Stage 3 & 4
  • Encourages all students to develop decision making skills
  • Equips all students for independent learning and lifelong learning
  • Meets professional standards of practice
  • Provides each student the opportunity for impartial careers advice
  • Raises aspirations and promotes equality and diversity

All EAP students are entitled to:

  • A range of activities and opportunities that promote self-development, career planning and career management
  • Access to up to date, relevant and comprehensive external impartial advice including careers resources and connexions support
  • Individual careers advice & guidance from the EAP staff members
  • Appropriate support from staff to enable them to attain and achieve an appropriate college course
  • Careers support which is personalised to their own specific needs and abilities
  • Have parents/carers informed about CEIAG updates  


Key Stage 3 students will be supported to:

  • Be aware of the opportunities to identify their strength in relation to career goals
  • Be able to access career information, resources and assessment material for e.g. specialist websites
  • Begin to recognise individual skills and strengths and possible post 16 pathway options
  • Receive careers information and support via staff such as Form Tutor, Mentor and EAP staff members
  • Take part in lessons in which teaching is engaging for all learning styles.
  • Teacher/Mentor support to develop skills in communication and handling problem solving

Key Stage 4 students will be supported to: 

  • Be able to produce a CV
  • Be given the opportunity to apply to different colleges/sixth form, training providers and apprenticeships
  • Develop presentation skills and be given the opportunity to participate in mock interviews
  • Receive information and advice regarding post 16 options and opportunities for e.g. Open days
  • Be given the opportunity to take part in work experience placement for a two week period
  • Have on-going access to an impartial Career’s adviser from an external agency
  • Be able to access careers information, resources and assessment materials
  • Be given the opportunity to take part in an extended work experience placement in Year 11
  • Access to annual events for Year 11 students i.e. Careers fairs, college open days & ‘Whats Next Event’
  • Have opportunities to evaluate individual achievements e.g. awards ceremony, reward chart and achievement certificates
  • Be given the opportunities to access the PSD curriculum
  • Promote a positive view of themselves to employers, follow application procedures correctly, present well at interview
  • Make realistic and informed choices about all options available to them post 16
  • Ofsted